Jun 12, 2006

Covering Bands is fun

I'll post some stuff from time to time on bands that I like to cover. I really enjoy the process of shooting shows. Now, I get crazy with it. I mean I am in the lead singer's face with the camera. But usually I cover my friend's bands so they know how I can be when the camera comes out.

Here are some stills from a show I covered that Rudy Banes Shut Down did back in January. It was a house show. I put a 1K outside the window with some CTO on it and a 300W clipped on a book shelf behind the band. The walls were white so the 1K bounce back in to fill (a little). I shot this stuff at a 250 shutter speed I think so it has a really neurotic feel to it. I also used the manual zoom a lot to make even more crazy. Keep in mind these stills are captures from a DVD so there are encoding artifacts present - the original Mini-DV footage off the DVX looks better of course. Take a look.

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