The Girlfreind was screened Saturday night around 10:30 and the response was fabulous! I had seen our picture about 5 times previous to the screening and this viewing by far was the most enjoyable. Perhaps it was the fact that it was on a big screen with 300 audience members clenching each other in anticipation of the next scare. Great work Adam! His edit decisions and use of sound was, once again, very rewarding and effective.
It just seemed to make more sense to me during this viewing. The narrative actually made sense. My folks even got it! That is a true testament since they are not really into that kind of narrative. There were several moments where my mom held the festival guide over her face. She would turn to me, "Oh Chris, I don't know if I can sit through this." But in the end she enjoyed the scares.
I saw several couples holding one another closer and closer as Spencer's character hunted for "The Girlfriend". I even had a jolt at one moment,. Adam said he did as well.
Don't get me wrong. I do have an ego like everyone else and definitely enjoy getting awards. But man, I was pretty nervous (awe - isn't that cute - yeah, I may be 30 but I'm 12 at heart, I'm a sensitive little guy). Anyway, I guess the weirdness is that Filmmaking is such a collaberative effort and being in the limelight gives you the chance to say thanks to all the people who make everything click together. Well, last night I had the chance and all I could think of to say was "Thanks, We worked on it it together...thanks" Then Adam said, "Thanks" and then we got the hell off the stage, cause that was just weird.
So here I would like to mention a special thanks to Adam for giving me the chance to influence his work and work together with him. The cinematography in the Girlfriend was what happens when Adam and I put our heads and hearts together and it is what it is because we worked together.
Also, everyone in TeamBloodJet! really make it happen. It really is a family of folks empowering one another to make that final movie happen with effectiveness. And we are a great combination. I look forward to working with all of the folks from Bloodjet in all sorts of different capacities and permutations. Each person from this group has their own spectacular talents and I think that over the next year we'll be mixing them up in all kinds of fun and innovative ways.
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