This was lit with a combination of a 300W lamp, barn doored with CTO to match the warmer practical bulb which was powered through a dimmer switch. This helped light the front edge of Stephanie's profile and accent her silhoutette to seperate her from the background.
Dimmers are great for bringing out the pre-existing appeal of a room's interior design while staying within the technical parameters of a camera's sensitivities to light indexing. After plugging in an inline dimmer switch to the lamp I could turn the bulb's intensity down to prevent blow out/digital clipping directly around the bulb's position behind Stephanie's face. This allows for the camera to register the texture of the lamp shade and still have the lights' illumination to the wall.
I picked this trick up from Allen Rosen, a veteran Lighting/DP out of Tuscaloosa/Birmingham area who has been lensing professionally for probably over 20 or 30 years. If you ever need a PRO, Allen is a great guy to work with. He keeps real busy with reality television shows. The dimmer switch is something I saw him use a lot for all of these interior design shows.

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